in the Parish of South Carleton

Our Sunday services will be at Holy Trinity North Gower until April 13th when we will begin rotating again to St. Paul’s in Osgoode on Palm Sunday.

Saturday March 1 - Parish Breakfast at The Richmond Village Bakehouse 9:00 am, good food, fun, and fellowship.

Sunday, March 2 - Mardi Gras Eucharist and Gumbo Lunch A joint celebration for everyone in St. John’s, Richmond and the Parish of South Carleton. Sunday, March 2, *10:00 AM* at St. John’s, Richmond with Music by the Manotick Brass.

Join us at 4:00pm March 2nd for Mardi Gras-Dixieland Vespers with the Jock River Jazz Band at St. John's Richmond for an hour of music, poetry, and prayer led by Rev. Allan Budzin. Free Will Offering.

Tuesday, March 4, 4:30 - 7:00pm, Pancake Supper Kars RA Hall, details on poster.

Wednesday, March 5, 10:00 am, Ash Wednesday Service, St. John’s Kars. (Note this will be our mid-week service for the month of March - no service the 2nd Wednesday, March 12th, this month).

Sunday, March 9, First Sunday in Lent, Holy Trinity North Gower, 9:00 am, HE.

Wednesday March 12, 10:00 - 12:00, Messy Church March Break, St. John’s Kars, with a Pizza Lunch. Please RSVP Liz by Wed. Feb. 26th, 613-858-5277 or

*HE = Holy Eucharist. MP = Morning Prayer. EP = Evening Prayer.

Everyone of all ages welcome at all services.
*Coffee hour follows the service on the first Sunday and Second Wednesday of the month.
Note: Please do not attend in-person church if you have cold or flu symptoms.
We would like to keep everyone in the congregation as healthy as possible.

To view our upcoming events, please click on the calendar below. Each event is linked to our events page for additional information.

More Reasons to Say Grace Cook Books are in. Reserve your copy today by contacting Dorothy Svendsen at at and she will bring them to church for you. $20 each with all proceeds going to the building fund. They are a great Christmas present for those who are hard to buy for and are a great way to pass on the legacy of your families secret recipes.


Mark Ferguson composed this Jazz tune and dedicated it to St. Paul's church. It is called "Autumn in Osgoode".

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