If you haven't been out to church since before the pandemic started in 2020 we invite you to come out on June 11th to our outdoor service which will be a safe and great opportunity to reconnect with your church friends/family. We would love to see you and can ensure distancing for your seating if you prefer...just let us know ahead and we will save a special spot for you! Come enjoy music, prayers and a picnic under the big old maple tree!
The farm is located at 7066 Third Line Rd., Kars (between North Gower and Kars) at 10AM - BBQ & Potluck Picnic to follow the service. Bring your lawn chair, plate/cutlery, something to contribute to the potluck table (appetizer, salad, desert). We'll provide hamburgers, hot dogs, cold drinks and coffee for freewill offering. All welcome, bring friends and family to enjoy our service under the big old tree. Thankfully that beautiful tree survived the recent ice storm! Contact the church office if you have any questions 613-489-0998 or office.parishofsouthcarleton@bell.net